Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doggy-sitting and Allmende Kontor

I am Babysitting Phillip this week.
He is the Family Dog of the Toddler I babysit
So for our morning walk we went out to Tempelhof, the Retired Airport that was the location of the Berlin Airlift. It has been open to the public a little over a year now to be used as a park and location for events.

All over Berlin people walk with their dogs off leash, well most do. Though techniqually it is not allowed. 
List of Notices (aka rules): Mandatory Lead Policy, bummer!
There are a few nice sized dog runs fenced off around the grounds. We only made it to one, the rectangle shaped one, this time. But we still had plenty of fun!!

 FUN in action!

Sniffing out the vermin. . .

that is one big rabbit hole!!
Then we investigated what was going on in the area next to the BBQ grounds.
It was a little makeshift village of container gardens.  
Turns out this area has been designated for a community garden. It is named 'Allmende Kontor,' the medieval term for community garden. It's really cool! Here is an article about it from the Huffington Post.

Compost Bin, nice . . .
Anti Nuclear Energy Flag
Though the area is a little dodgy looking, don't let it get to you because the plants are growing very well in their containers. There was really full heads of lettuce and greens, way better then what my Balcony Garden has been looking like.  Jealous much? Totally! I would add more pictures but blogger is being difficult and not loading them. poo. . anyway . .
Maybe this is something I can do next year. It is so close to my apartment and it would definitely beat my balcony garden!

German Language Websites of organizers: 

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