Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Seedlings

I want to have a veggie garden this year. This is my third spring in my Berlin Apartment and I am ready to lay some roots, no pun intended, well maybe slightly.
I have started growing some seeds in egg cartons, like I learned from my mom, she has the green thumb, I however do not. Though that hasn't stopped me from trying.

I have planted cherry tomatoes, sweet peas, bell peppers, rucola, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, basic garden lettuce and garlic.

I still have scallions to plant. I am waiting on more egg cartons, plus I need to check online for special care or techniques, I am clueless. Actual that said. I should probably check out the info for each different veggie I am planting. I haven't grown more then tomatoes and lettuce before. This project seems more daunting by the minute! Oh well, no going back now.
Since I live in an apartment on the fourth floor, my garden is going to be a 'container/balcony/window hanging garden'. I am kind of excited about the possibilities. Though that will come later, once the seedlings are ready to transfer. As of now they are propped up on empty wine boxes on the kitchen windowsill.
The slanted kitchen window sill.
A wine box with a magazine wedged underneath to level it out. (high tech)
Simple, temporary, and hidden with a kitchen hand towel.

I am quite happy with what I have selected to plant. For example Swiss chard!! Oh yeah Greens!! I will have to make some pulled pork and red beans and rice just to go with them! Yumm.
I miss my Mexican food and homemade salsas. It's bad. In moving to Germany I never though the lack of ( or extreem difficulty in tracking down) some ingredients would effect me as much as it has. So I am keeping an eye out for some Jalapenos and Cilantro seeds. That would just rock my world! I am crossing my finger but wont hold my breath!

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